Total data: 16123
Judicial system of Islam / Ghulam Murtaza Azad
Azad, Ghulam Murtaza;New Delhi : Kitab Bhavan , 1994
Membangun Budaya Kerakyatan : Kepemimpinan Gus Dur dan Gerakan Sosial N.U. / Editor,Zainal Arifin Thoha,M.Aman Mustofa
Thoha, Zainal Arifin; Mustofa, M.Aman.;Yogyakarta : Titian Ilahi Press , 1997
The Faith and practice of al-Ghazali / W. Montgomery Watt
Watt, W. Montgomery;New Delhi : Kitab Bhavan , 1996
Islamic economic system principles and objectives
Maudud, Abul A\'la;New Delhi : Markazi Maktaba Islami , 1998