Total data: 369
Ensiklopedi Islam ringkas / Cyril Glasse; penerjemah, Ghufron A. Mas'adi
Glasse, Cyril; Mas\'adi, Ghufron A.;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 1999
Encyclopaedia of Social Research / Editor;Laxmi Devi
Devi, Laxmi;New Delhi : Anmol Publication , 1997
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition volume X, T - U
Bearman, PJ; Bianquis, TH; Bosworth, C.E.; Donzel, E.Van; Heinrichs, W.P.;Leiden : E. J. Brill , 2000
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : New Edition Volume IX SAN - SZE / C.E. Bosworth,
Bosworth, C.E.; Donzel, E. Van; Heinrichs, W.P.; Leocomte, G.;Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1997
The Encyclopaedia of Islam : new edition to volume I - IX an to the supplement, fascicules 1 - 6
Donzel, E. Van;Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1998
Philosophy and Ethics : Encyclopedia of philosophy and Supplement
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