Total data: 755
Paham-paham keagamaan liberal pada masyarakat perkotaan / Tim Peneliti Puslitbang Kehidupan Keagamaan
Tim Peneliti Puslitbang Kehidupan Keagamaan;Jakarta : Puslitbang Kehidupan Keagamaan , 2007
My year inside radical islam / Daveed gartenstein-Ross
Gartenstein, Daveed; Ross;New York : Penguin , 2008
Global Terrorism / James M. Lutz and Brenda J. Lutz
Lutz. James M.; Lutz, Brenda J.;New York : Routledge , 2008
Riots, pogroms, jihad : religious violence in Indonesia
Sidel, John Thayer;Singapore : NUS Press , 2007
Terrorism and counter-terrorism : ethics and liberal democracy
Miller, Seumas;Australia : Balckwell , 2009
TheGravest danger nuclear weapons / Sidney D. Drell and James E.Goodby
Drell, Sidney D.; Goodby, James E.;California : Hoover Institution Press , 2003
Transitions from authoritarian rule : tentative conclusions about uncertain democracies / Guillermo O'Donnell and Philippe C. Schmitter
O\'Donnell, Guillermo; Schmitter, Philippe C.;London : The John Hopkins University Press , 1986
Mass Media Law 2005-2006 / Don R. Pember, Clay Calvert
Pember, Don R.; Calvert, Clay;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2005
Inside Hamas : the untold story of the militant Islamic movement
Chehab, Zaki;New York : Nation Books , 2007
Rationalism in politics and other essays / Michael Oakeshott
Oakeshott, Michael;Indianapolis : Liberty Fund , 1991