Total data: 4127
Young v. Old: Generational combat in the 21st century
MacManus, Susan A.;Colorado : Westview press , 1996
Freedom is an endless meeting: Democracy in american social movements
Polletta, Fracesca;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002
The speed of trust :the one thing that changes everything
Covey, Stephen M. R.; Merrill, Rebecca R.;New York : : Free Press, , 2006
Environment and society: human perspectives on environmental issues
Harper, Charles L.;New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall , 2004
The Impact of Women In Public Office
Carroll, Susan J.;Blomington : Indiana University Press , 2001
National party conventions 1831-2000
A Divition of Congressional Quarterly, Inc.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2001
The first liberty :America's foundation in religious freedom
Miller, William Lee;Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press , 2003
Vital statistics on congress 2001-2002
Ornstein, Norman J.; Mann, Thomas E.; Malbin, Michael J.;Washington, D.C. : AEI Press , 2002
The lustre of our country :the American experience of religious freedom
Noonan Jr., John T.;Berkeley : University of California press , 1998