Total data: 755
The annotated Hunting of the snark :the full text of Lewis Carroll's great nonsense epic The hunting of the snark
Carroll, Lewis,; Gardner, Martin,;New York : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2006
Who's afraid of Adam Smith? :how the market got its soul
Dougherty, Peter J.; Smith, Adam,;New York : : John Wiley , 2002
Islam radikal dan pluralisme agama: studi kontruksi sosial aktivis Hizb al-Tahrir dan Majelis Mujahidin di Malang tentang agama Kristen dan Yahudi
Umi Sumbulah;Jakarta : Balitbang dan Diklat , 2010
Ideologi Kekerasan : Argumentasi Teologis-Sosial Radikalisme Islam
Agus Purnomo;Ponorogo : STAIN Ponorogo Press , 2009
Reportase radio : bahan ajar di perguruan tinggi
Helena Olii; Jurnalisme Radio;Jakarta : Indeks , 2006