Total data: 6130
Action research : a guide for the teacher researcher
Mills, Geoffrey E.;Harlow : Pearson Education , 2016
Introduction to spectroscopy
Pavia, Donald L.; Lampman, Gary M.; Kriz, George S.; Vyvyan, James;Australia : Wadsworth Cencage Learning , 2015
Komunikasi politik : teori dan praktik dalam pilkada langsung
Hikmat, Mahi M.;Bandung : Simbiosa Rekatama Media , 2011
Kapita selekta komuniaksi : pendekatan budaya dan agama
Saefullah,Ujang;Bandung : Simbiosa Rekatama Media , 2007
Managing human resources
Snell, Scott A.; Morris, Shad S.; Bohlander, George W.;Boston : Cengage Learning , 2016
Islamic capital markets : a comparative approach
Mirakhor, Abbas; Bacha, Obiyathulla Ismath;Singapore : John Wiley & Sons , 2013
Sertifikasi halal dalam hukum positif: regulasi dan implementasi di Indonesia
Hasan, Sofyan;Yogyakarta : Aswaja Pressindo , 2014