Total data: 14463
Qiyam al-daulat al-arabiyah al-Islamiyah : fi hayat Muhammad SAW / Muhammad Jamaluddin Surur
Surur, Muhammad Jamaluddin;Kairo : Dar al-Fikr al-`Arabi , 1977
Manahij al-mufassirin / Muni' Abd Halim Mahmud
Mahmud, Muni\' Abd Halim;Kairo : Darul kitab almisri , 1978
Muslim personal law : role of state the subcontinent / Tahir Mahmood
Mahmood, Tahir;New Delhi : Vikas Publisher House PVT LTD , 1977
Islamic perspectives : studies in honour of mawlana sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi / Editor Khursid Ahmad
;Jeddah : The Islamic Foundation , 1979
Monetary and fiscal economics of Islam / The Islamic Foundation
The Islamic Foundation;Jeddah : King Abdul aziz university , 1980
Muhammad the ideal prophet / Saiyid Sulaiman Nadwi
Nadwi, Saiyid Sulaiman;India : Academy of Islamic Research and Publications , 1977
Islam : essays in the nature and growth of a cultural tradition / G.E. Von Grunebaum
Grunebaum, G.E. Von;London : Routledge \r\n Kegan paul LTD , 1969
tarikh al-syu'ub al-Islamiyah / Karel Burkleman
Burkleman, Karel;Beirut : Darul Ilmi lilmalayin , 1968