Total data: 16140
The psyche as sacrament : a comparative study of C. G. Jung and Paul Tillich
Dourley, John P.;Canada : University of Toronto , 1981
Indonesia the challenge of change
Baker, Richard W.; Soesastro, M.Hadi;Netherlands : KITLV Press , 1999
The question of God : C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud debate God, love, sex, and the meaning of life
Nicholi, Armand M.;New York : The Free Press , 2002
Wahyu dan Revolusi / Ziaul Haque;Penerjemah:E.Setiyawati Al Khattab
Haque, Ziaul; Al Khattab, E.Setiyawati;Yogyakarta : LKiS , 2000