Total data: 14758

The law and economics of marriage and divorce / editor Antony W. Dnes
;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002

Education and citizenship in libeeral-democratic societies : teaching for cosmopolitan values and collective identities / editor Kevin McDonough
;New York : Oxford University Press , 2003

Rrebellion and violence in Islamic law / Khaled abou el Faadl
Abou El Fadl, Khaled;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2001

The rule of law in the Arab world : courts in Egypt and the gulf / nathan J. Brown
Brown, Nathan J.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997

Islam dan dasar-dasar pemerintahan / Ali Abd al-Raziq
Raziq, Ali Abd ar;Yogyakarta : Jendela , 2002

Dialektika hukum Islam dan perubahan sosial : sebuah refleksi sosiologis atas pemikiran Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah / Mujiono Abdillah
Abdillah, Mujiyono;Surakarta : Muhammaadiyah University Press6c2003 , 0

Dictionaary of ethics, theology and socieety / editor paul Barry Claarke
;London : Routledge , 1996

Contingency and fortune in Aquinas's ethics / John Bowlin
Bowlin, John;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999

Qur'anic Christians : an analysis of classical and modern exegesis
McAuliffe, Jane Dammen;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991

Capitalism and religion : the price of piety / Philip Goodchild
Goodchild, Philip;London : Routledge , 2002