Total data: 375
Encyclopaedia of faiths and relgions of the world / James Gardner
Gardner, James;New Delhi : Aryan Books International , 1999
Ensiklopedi Agama dan Filsafat / Mochtar Effendi
Effendi, Mochtar;Palembang : Unicersitas Sriwijaya , 2001
Mausu'ah al-Ijma' fi al-fiqh al-Islami / Editor: Sa'id Abi Jaib
Abu Jaib, Sa\'id;Katar : Idarah ihya at-tiras al-Islami , s.a.
Ensiklopedi Al Quran : Tafsir sosial berdasarkan konsep-konsep kunci / Dawam Rahardjo
Rahardjo, M. Dawam;Jakarta : Paramadina , 2002
Ensiklopedi tematis dunia Islam / Editor Taufik Abdullah dkk.
;Jakarta : Ichtiar baru van hoeve , 2002
A-Z guide to the Qur'an : a must-have reference to understanding the contents of the Islamic Holy book / Mokhtar Stork
Stork, Mokhtar;Singapore : Times Books International , 2000