Total data: 18854
Partai Kebijakan Demokrasi / Hans-Dieter Klingemann, Richard I.Hofferbert,Ian Budge; Penerjemah: Sigit Jatmiko
Jatmiko, Sigit; Klingemann, Hans; Dieter;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 2000
Religion: a Humanist interpretation / Raymound Firth
Firth, Raymound;London and New York : Routledge , 1996
Sacred sites sacred places / David L Carmichael ( ed )
carmichael, David L ( ed ); Hubert, jane; Reeves, BRian; Schanche, Audhild;London and New York : Routledge , 1994
Jurnalistik Islami : panduan praktis bagi para aktivis muslim
Samantho, Ahmad Y.;Jakarta : Harakah , 2002
Bridging Science and Spirit : Common Elements in David Bohm's Philosophy and Seth
Friedman, Norman;St.Louis,MO : Living lake Books , 1997
Philosophers Who Believe : The Spiritual Journeys of 11 Leading Thinkers / Editor: Kelly James Clark
Clark, Kelly James;U S A : Intervarsity Press , 1985
The Third Millennium : Reflections on Faith and Reason / David Walsh
Walsh,David;Washington : Georgetown University Press , 1999
Theorizing About Myth / Robert A.Segal
Segal, Robert A.;Boston : University of Massachusetts , 1999
Abad Ideologi / Henry D.Aiken; Penerjemah: Sigit Djatmiko
Aiken, Henry D.; Djatmiko, Sigit;Yogyakarta : Bentang Budaya , 2002