Total data: 6988
Annual international conference on islamic studies chapter 5 -chapter 8: Islamic politics: lesson learned from Indonesia and Arab Spring, the Heritage of islamic history for civilization, the Legacy of islamic thought:contribution for the future, Islamic tourism:catering religious enthusiasm of rising middle class
Burhani, Ahmad Najib; Adnan; Salim, Arskal; Umam, Ahmad Khoirul; Ziaulhaq; Imam, Muhammad Aniq; Purnomo, Agus; Rachmanto;s.l. : s.n. , s.a.
Religious conflict : a mapping of conflict in Indonesian regions, 1997 - 2005
Yusuf, Choirul Fuad;Jakarta : Departemen Agama R.I , 2016
Restrukturisasi peradilan agama dalam perspektif kekuasaan kehakiman yang merdeka
Rahmi, Diana;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014
Edge strategy : a new mindset for profitable growth
Lewis, Alan,; McKone, Dan,;Boston, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, , 2015
Rethinking the MBA : business education at a crossroads
Datar, Srikant M.; Garvin, David A.; Cullen, Patrick G.;Boston, Mass. : : Harvard Business Press, , 2010
Kado untuk mahasiswa : relasi kepemimpinan, budaya, organisasi dan psikologi mahasiswa
Ramadan, Willy;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014
Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant
Kim, W. Chan.; Mauborgne, Renée.;Boston, Mass. : : Harvard Business School Press, , 2005
Computing essentials 2015 : making IT work for you
O'Leary, Linda I.; O'Leary, Timothy J.; O'Leary, Daniel A.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015
Good charts : the HBR guide to making smarter, more persuasive data visualizations
Berinato, Scott;Boston : Harvard Business Review Press, , 2016