Total data: 16140
Witnesses in Islamic law of evidence / Abdul Muin Abdul Rahman
Rahman, Abdul Muin Abdul;Malaysia : Pelanduk publications , 1999
Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches / John W. Creswell
Creswell, John W.;Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications , 2003
Gods in the global village : the world's religions in sociological perspective / Lester R Kurtz
Kurtz, Lester R;London : Pine Forge Press , 1995
Models and trends in religious education / Gail Thomas McKenna
McKenna, Gail Thomas;USA : Twenty-third publications , 1998
Beyond phenomenology : rethingking the study of religion / Gavin Flood
Flood, Gavin;London : Cassell , 1999
Silent no more : confronting America's false images of Islam / Paul Findley
Findley, Paul;USA : Amana Publications , 2002
Consciousness and the mind of God / Charles Taliaferro
Taliaferro, Charles;USA : Cambridge University Press , 1996
Postmodernism and the postocialist condition : Politicized art under late socialism / editor Ales Erjavec
;California : University of california , 2003
The freedom to do God's will : religious fundamentalism and social change / editor Gerrie ter Haar
;London : Routledge , 2003
Coleridge, philosophy and religion : aids to reflection and the mirror of the spirit / Douglas Hedley
Hedley, Douglas;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2000