Total data: 35873
Mawrid : a modern English Arabic dictionary / Munir Ba`albaki
Ba`albaki, Munir;Beirut : Darul Ilmi , 1973
Busra al-karim bi syarah masail al-ta`lim / Sa`id bin Muhammad Ba`isan
Ba`isan, Sa`id bin Muhammad;Semarang : Toha putra , 0
Other cultures, aims, methods and achicoements in social anthropology / John Beattie
Beattie, John;New York : The Free Press , 1968
Pendidikan di Indonesia : penilaian dan pedoman perencanaan / C.E. Beeby
Beeby, C.E.;Jakarta : LP3ES , 1981
Himpunan perundang-undangan dan peraturan Peradilan Agama
Abdullah, Abdul Gani;Jakarta : Intermasa , 1991
Between public and private : lost boundaries of the self / Joseph Bensman
Bensman, Joseph; Lillienfeld, Robert;New York : The Free Press , 1979