Total data: 15988
Zawaju wat-talaqu fil Islam / Badron Abul-`Uyanain Badron
Badron Abul; `Uyanain Badron;Iskandariyah : Muasatu Syabab , s.a.
Ibadah Shalat menurut sunnah Rasulullah / Nasruddin Razak
Nasruddin Razak;Bandung : Al-Ma'arif , 1992
Uniting the peoples and nation : readings in world federalism
Walker, Barbara;New York : United Nation office , 1983
Islamic Development Bank : a case study of Islamic co-operation
Meenai, S. A.;London : Kegan Paul International , 1989
Flight from authority : religian, morality, and the quest for autonomy
Stout, Jeffrey.;London : Notre Dame , 1981