Total data: 18854
Papers of the fourth Indonesian - Dutch history conference : literature and history
Abdullah, Taufik;Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press , 1986
Filsafat pendidikan dalam Al-Quran / Muhammad fadhil Al-jamaly
Jamaly, Muhammad Fadhi;Surabaya : Bina Ilmu , 1986
People. power, and legacy : a new view on population / Jose Hernandez
Hernandez, Jose;California : National Press Book , 1974
Pengantar penelitian kriminologi / Soedjono Dirdjosisworo
Dirdjosisworo, Soedjono;Bandung : Remaja , 1984
The changing dimensions of student aid / Martin Kramer editor in Chief
Merisotis, Jamie P.; Kramer, Martin;New York : Jossy-Bass , 1990
Kamus istilah KKB : Kependudukan dan keluarga berencana / YB. Suparlan
Suparlan, YB; W, Rachmanto;Yogyakarta : Kanisius , 1990