Total data: 7593
Handbook of color psychology
Elliot, Andrew J.; Fairchild, Mark D.; Franklin, Anna;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2015
The Cambridge handbook of consumer psychology
Norton, Michael I.; Rucker, Derek D.; Lamberton, Cait;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2016
Hukum internasional
Widowatie, Derta Sri; Khozim, M.; Shaw, Malcolm N.; Baeha;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2016
Communication : principles for a lifetime
Beebe, Steven A.; Beebe, Susan J.; Ivy, Diana K.;Harlow : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall , 2016
Introduction to early childhood education : preschool through primary grades
Brewer, Jo Ann;Harlow : Pearson , 2014
International relations: theories and approaches
Jackson, Robert; Sorensen, Georg;Oxford : Oxford University , 2013
Teori motivasi dan pengukurannya: analisis di bidang pendidikan
Uno, Hamzah B.;Jakarta : Bumi Aksara , 2016