Total data: 148
Islam and the modern muslim world / G W Choudhury
Choudhury, G W;Kuala Lumpur : WHS Publictions Sdn Bhd , 1993
The Culture of Islam : changing aspects of contemporary muslim life / Lawrence Rosen
Rosen, Lawrence;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002
Wajah peradaban Barat : dari hegemoni kristen ke dominasi sekular- liberal / Adian Husaini
Husaini, Adian;Jakarta : Gema Insani Press , 2005
The Middle East : 2000 years of history from the rise of Christianity to the present day
Lewis, Bernard;London : Phoenix Press , 1995
Islam : religion, history, and civilization
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein;New York : HarperSanFrancisco , 2003
Benturan antar fundamentalis : jihad melawan imperialisme Amerika / Tariq Ali;Penterjemah:Hodri Ariev
Ali, Tariq; Ariev, Hodri;Jakarta : Paramadina , 2004