Total data: 22890
Ensiklopedi Pendidikan / Soegarda Poerbakawatja
Poerbakawatja, Soegarda; Harahap, A.H;Jakarta : Gunung Agung , 1981
Himpunan peraturan perundang-undangan produk Departemen Agama RI Tahun 1985 / Indonesia. Depag
Indonesia. Depag;Jakarta : Indonesia.Depag , 1986
American jihad : the terorists living among us / Steven Emerson
Emerson, Steven;New York : The Free Press , 2003
The study of religion in an age of global dialogue / Leonard Swidler, Paul Mojzes
Swidler, Leonard; Mojzes, Paul;Philadelphia : Temple University Press , 2000
Developing learning in early childhood / Tina Bruce
Bruce, Tina;London : Paul Chapman Publishing , 2004
Political theory and international relations
Beitz, Charles R;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 1979
Understanding qualitative research and ethnomethodology / Paul ten Have
Have, Paul ten;London : Sage Publications , 2004
Recent theories of human development / R. Murray Thomas
Thomas, R. Murray;London : Sage Publications , 2001
The genetic gods : evolution and belief in human affairs / John C. Avise
Avise, John C;Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1998
Beyond the veil : male-female dynamics in modern muslim society / Fatima Mernissi
Mernissi, Fatima;Bloomington : Indiana University Press , 1987