Total data: 22890
Key concepts in social research / Geoff Payne, Judy Payne
Payne, Geoff; Payne, Judy;London : Sage Publications , 2004
Revival and reform in Islam : a study of Islamic fundamentalism / Fazlur Rahman
Rahman, Fazlur;Oxford : Oneworld , 2000
Taliban : militant Islam, and fundamentalism in central asia / Ahmed Rashid
Rashid, Ahmed;London : Yale Nota Bene , 2001
Doing educational research a guide to first-time redearchers / Edited by, Clive Opie
Opie, Clive;London : Sage Publications , 2004
Accelerated learning for the 21st century cara belajar cepat abad XXI / Colin rose
Rose, Colin;Bandung : Nuansa , 2003