Total data: 6252
Freedom is an endless meeting: Democracy in american social movements
Polletta, Fracesca;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002
The post-American world
Zakaria, Fareed.; Jamʻīyah al; Miṣrīyah li; Nashr al; Maʻrifah wa; al; Thaqāfah al; ʻĀlamīyah.;New York : W.W. Norton & Company , 0
Jesus Christ message to all nations
Jeffs, Warren;Boulder, Colorado : [Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] , 2013
Renegades write the rules :how the digital royalty use social media to innovate
Martin, Amy Jo;Cambridge6bCambridge Universit : Jossey Bass , 2012
The world is flat :a brief history of the twenty-first century
Friedman, Thomas L.;New York : : Farrar, Straus And Giroux , 2006
Managing conflict resolution
McCollum, Sean;Westport, Connecticut : Chelsea House Publishers , 2009
The Impact of Women In Public Office
Carroll, Susan J.;Blomington : Indiana University Press , 2001
To the mountaintop :Martin Luther Jr.'s sacred mission to save America: 1955-1968
Burns, Stewart;New York : HarperSanFrancisco , 2004
YouTube: online video and participatory culture
Burgess, Jean; Green, Joshua;Malden, MA : : Polity, , 2009
A concise history of U.S. foreign policy
Kaufman, Joyce P.;Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield , 2017