Total data: 22890
Nine parts of Desire the hidden world of Islamic Women / Geraldine Brooks
Brooks, Geraldine;New ork : Anchor Books , 1996
Active learning : 101 cara belajar siswa aktif
Silberman, Melvin L.; Muttaqien, Raisul;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2004
The Penguin dictionary of psychology / Arthut S. Reber
Reber, Arthut S; Reber, Emily S;England : Penguin Books , 2001
The Future of freedom illiberal democracy at home and abroad / Fareed zakaria
Zakaria, Fareed;New York : W. W. Norton , 2003
Nichomachean Ethics : sebuah kitab suci" etika / Aristoteles"
Aristoteles; Kenyowati,Embun;Jakarta : Teraju , 2004
Social science under debate : A philosophical perspective / Mario Bunge
Bunge, Mario;Toronto : University of Toronto Press , 1998
Ethnic conflict and international politics: explaining diffusion and escalation / Steven E. Lobel ( ed )
;New York : Palgrave Macmillan , 2004