Total data: 6823
Pemuda membangun bangsa dari desa
Mustaqim, Goris; Tohari, Heri Mohamad;Bandung : Synersia Pub , 2010
Beyond earth day :fulfilling the promise
Nelson, Gaylord; Campbell, Susan; Wozniak, Paul;Madison, Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin Press , 2002
Web of deceit: misinformation and manipulation in the age of social media
Mintz, Anne P.;Westport, Connecticut : Information Today Inc. , 2012
Classics :of public administration
Shafritz, Jay M.; Hyde, Albert C.,; Parkes, Sandra J.;Belmont, CA : : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, , 0
Tap Dancing to Work
Buffett, Warren; Carol J.Loomis;New York : New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2012. , 2012
Dean's list: eleven habits of highly successful college students
Bader, John B.;Baltimore : : Johns Hopkins University Press, , 2011
Unsettled: what climate science tells us, what it doesn't, and why it matters
Koonin, Steven E.;Dallas, TX : BenBella Books, Inc. , 2021
How women rise: break the 12 habits holding you back from your next raise, promotion, or job
Helgesen, Sally; Goldsmith, Marshall;New York : Hachette Books , 2018