Total data: 1599
Reaping the whirlwind : the Taliban movement in Afghanistan / Michael Griffin
Griffin, Michael;London : Pluto Press , 2001
Barbarism and religion : volume one the enlightments of Edward Gibbon, 1737-1764 / J.G.A. Pocock
Pocock, J.G.A.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
Barbarism and religion : volume two narratives of civil government / J.G.A. Pocock
Pocock, J.G.A.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
Din -i- Ilahi : kontroversi keberagamaan Sultan Akbar Agung (India 1560-1605) / Umar Asasuddin Sokah
Sokah, Umar Asasuddin;Yogyakarta : Ittaqa Press , 1994
Sejarah filsafat Barat modern dan sezaman
Brouwer, M.A.W.; Heryadi, M. Puspa;Bandung : Alumni , 1986
Lafayette in the French revolution : through the October days / Louis Gottschalk, margaret Maddox
Gottschalk, Louis; Maddox, Margaret;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1969
Negara dan usaha bina-negara di Jawa masa lampau : studi tentang masa Mataram II, abad XVI sampai XIX / Soemarsaid Moertono
Moertono, Soemarsaid;Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 1985