Total data: 7199

Eating history :30 turning points in the making of American cuisine
Smith, Andrew F.,;New York : : Columbia University Press, , 2009

Coaching, counseling & mentoring :how to choose & use the right technique to boost employee performance
Stone, Florence M.;New York : : American Management Association, , 2007

Newman, Aubrey S.;Jakarta : Institute for Military and Strategic Studies (IMSES) , 2002

Think like Zuck:the five business secrets of Facebook's improbably brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Walter, Ekaterina;Westport, Connecticut : McGraw-Hill , 2013

King of the world :Muhammad Ali and the rise of an American hero
Remnick, David;New York : Vintage Books , 1998

Let the great world spin :a novel
McCann, Colum,; Petit, Philippe,; Bachman M, Barbara;New York : Random House , 0

In the hands of the great spirit :the 20,000 year history of American Indians
Page, Jake;New York : Free Press , 2003

The Chicago manual of style:The Essential guide for writers, editors, and publishers
The University of Chicago;Chicago : : University of Chicago Press , 2003