Total data: 367
Peace and the public purse :economic policies for postwar statebuilding
Boyce, James K.;Boulder, Colo. : : Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., , 2007
Wealth of experience :real investors on what works and what doesn't
Clarke, Andrew S.; Vanguard Group of Investment Companies.;Hoboken, NJ : : Wiley , 2003
The mathematics of money :math for business and personal finance decisions
Biehler, Timothy J.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2008
Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in classroom management
Holub, Tish; Harrington, Robert G.;Dubuque, IA : : McGraw-Hill/Dushkin , 2006
Focus on personal finance: an active approach to help you develop successful financial skills
Kapoor, Jack R.; Dlabay, Les R.; Hughes, Robert J.;Boston : Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company ltd , 2006
Analisis kesiapan akuntan publik mengaudit lembaga ekonomi syari'ah (laporan penelitian individual) / Ratno Agriyanto
Ratno Agriyanto;Semarang : IAIN Walisongo , 2010
Bank and financial institution management:conventional & sharia system / Veithzal Rivai
Ferry N. Idroes; Veithzal Rivai; Andria permata veithzal;Jakarta : RajaGrafindo Persada , 2007
Pasar modal syariah : sarana investasi keuangan berdasarkan prinsip syariah
Adrian Sutedi; Tarmizi;Jakarta : Sinar Grafika , 2011
Rekonstruksi makna uang dalam matan - matan hadis ekonomi (laporan penelitian individual) / Siti Mujibatun
Siti Mujibatun;Semarang : IAIN Walisongo , 2011
Chain of blame :how Wall Street caused the mortgage and credit crisis
Muolo, Paul.; Padilla, Mathew.;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley & Sons , 2008