Total data: 14469
Pronunciation pairs :an introduction to the sounds of English
Baker, Ann,; Goldstein, Sharon.;Cambridge : New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2007
Teaching pronunciation :a course book and reference guide
Celce; Murcia, Marianne.; Brinton, Donna.; Goodwin, Janet M.,;New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2010
Reference and information services :an introduction
Bopp, Richard E.; Smith, Linda C.;Santa Barbara, Calif. : : Libraries Unlimited, , 2011
Administering the school library media center.
Morris, Betty J.;Santa Barbara, Calif. : : Libraries Unlimited, , 2010
Introduction to cataloging and classification
Taylor, Arlene G.,; Miller, David P.;Westport, Conn. : : Libraries Unlimited, , 2006
Organic structure analysis
Crews, Phillip,; Rodríguez, Jaime,; Jaspars, Marcel,;New York : : Oxford University Press, , 2010
Menguak tabir mukjizat: membongkar rahasia peristiwa luar biasa secara ilmiah
Ammar fauzi heryadi; Rousyan, Muhammad Baqiri Saidi;Jakarta : Sandra press , 2012