Total data: 12445
Akuntansi keuangan perspektif IFRS Jilid 2
Lam, Nelson; Lau, Peter; Arifin, Taufik; Suslia, Aklia;Jakarta : Salemba Empat , 2014
Public administration: understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector
Rosenbloom, David H.; Kravchuk, Robert s.; Clerkin, Richard M.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015
The child psychotherapy treatment planner
Jongsma, Jr, Arthur E.; Peterson, L. Mark; McInnis, William P.; Bruce, Timothy J.;New Jersey : Wiley , 2014
Theories of international relations: contending approaches to world politics
Lawson, Stephanie;Cambridge : Polity Press , 2015