Total data: 12445
ASEAN di persimpangan sejarah : politik global, demokrasi dan integrasi ekonomi
Choiruzzad, Shofwan Al Banna;Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 2015
Principles of financial economics
Leroy, Stephen F.; Werner, Jan;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014
Sosiologi politik : pengantar kritis
Shohifullah; Sufyanto; Khozim, M; Faulks, Keith; Mahadi, Helmi;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2012
Philosophy of religion : towards a more humane approach
Cottingham, John;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014
Environmental physics: sustainable energy and climate change
Boeker, Egbert; Grondelle, Rienk Van;West Sussex, UK : : Wiley , 2011
The Oxford encyclopedia of philosophy, science, and technology in Islam
Kalin, Ibrahim;New York : Oxford University Press , 2014
Intercultural exchange in Southeast Asia
Alberts, Tara; Irving, D. R. M.;London : I. B. Tauris , 2013
The secular state under siege : religion and politics in Europe and America
Joppke, Christian;USA : Polity Press , 2015