Total data: 35897
Conversion to Islam in the medieval period : an essay in quantitative history
Bulliet, Richaed W.;Massachusetts : Harvard University Press , s.a.
The Penal law of Islam / by Muhammad Iqbal Siddiqi
Siddiqi, Muhammad Iqbal;New Dhelhi : International Islamic Publisher , 1994
Introduction to the study of the holy qur'an
Kamaluddin, Khwaja;Bombay : Darul Ishak al kutub et islamia , 1991
There is no god but Allah,the existence of God / Khawaja Kamalluddin
Kamaluddin, Khwaja;Bombay : Dar al-Isha\'at kutub e-islamia , 1997
Peranan wanita muslimah dalam gerakan islam
Thantawi, asy; Syahidah Banan;Jakarta : Robbani Press , 1995
Syubuhat haula al-amru bi al-ma'ruf wa nahyu 'anil munkar / Fadlun Ilahi
Ilahi, Fadlun;Riyad : Maktabah al-Ma\'arif , 1991