Total data: 16649

Confident powerboating :mastering skills and avoiding trouble afloat
Reininger, Stuart.;Camden, Me. : : International Marine/McGraw-Hill, , 2008

Tahlil dalam perspektif al Qur'an dan as Sunnah (kajian kitab kuning)
Muhyiddin Abdusshomad; Muhammad Faisol; Suparman;Jember : PP. Nurul Islam , 2006

Beating the global consolidation endgame :nine strategies for winning in niches
Kroeger, Fritz.; Vizjak, Andrej,; Moriarty, Michael;New York : : McGraw-Hill , 2008

Forced labor :coercion and exploitation in the private economy
Andrees, Beate.; Belser, Patrick.;Boulder, Colo. : : Lynne Rienner Publishers, , 2009

Taking sides : clashing views in world politics
Rourke, John T.,;New York : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2009

Ulama & cendikiawan muslim Ibn Rusyd tujuh perdebatan utama dalam teologi Islam
Sayed Mahdi; Afrizal M; Ahmad Ta'yudin;Jakarta : Erlangga , 2006