Total data: 157
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Mengurangi Konflik Muslim - Kristen dalam Perspektif Islam / Mahmoud Mustafa Ayoub; Penerjemah: Ali Noer Zaman
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Islam and Christianity Volume One TheChoice / Ahmed Deedat
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Yesus dalam literatur Islam
Leirvik, Oddbjorn; Zaman, Ali Nur;Yogyakarta : Fajar Pustaka Baru , 2002
Religious educations as social transformation / editor, Allen J. Moore
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Judaism, Christianity, and Islam : the classical texts and their interpretation volume 3 the works of the spirit
Peters, F.E.;New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 1990
The Muslims view of the Bible and the Chrisian's views of the Qur'an / Cate Patrick O'Hair
O'Hair, Cate Patrick;Ann Arbor, Michigan : University Microfilms International , 1986
Hormat kepada Tuhan : dalam sistem pendidikan kebijaksanaan Israel Kuno / Meno Soebagjo
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