Total data: 291

Random house webster's school and office dictionary / Random house
;New York : Rondom house reference , 2002

The student writer / editor and critic Barbara Fine Clouse
Clouse, Barbara Fine;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2004

The Norton anthology of English literature : the restoration and the eighteenth century
Abrams, M. H.; Greenblatt, Stephen; Lipking, Lawrence;New York : W. W. Norton , 2000

Mosaic 1 : Writing / Laurie Blass, Meredith Pike-Baky
Blass, Laurie; Pike; Baky, Meredith;America : McGraw-Hill/Contemporary , 2002

A Rhetoricmof argument / Jeanne Fahnestock, Marie Secor
Fahnestock, Jeanne; Secor, Marie;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2004

Adventures in reading intermediate / Henry Billings, Melissa Billings, Christy M. Newman
Billings, Henry; Billings, Melisa; Newman Christy M.;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2003

A Handbooks with practice : beginning English writing skills
Scheraga, Mona;USA : National Textbook Company , 1998

Interactions access grammar / Patricia K. Werner, John P. Nelson, Marilynn Spaventa
Werner, Patricia K.; Nelson, John P.; Spaventa, Marilynn;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2002