Total data: 2810
Dictionaary of ethics, theology and socieety / editor paul Barry Claarke
;London : Routledge , 1996
A History of Islamic legal theories : introduction to Sunni usul al-fiqh / Wael B. Hallaq
Hallaq, Wael B.;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997
Human genetics : for the social sciences / Gregory Carey
Carey, Gregory;Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications , 2003
The Routledge dictionary of religious and spiritual quotations
Parrinder, Geoffey;London : Routledge , 2000
Man made God : the meaning of life / Luc Ferry
Ferry, Luc;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002
Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / A.S. Hornby
Hornby, A.S.;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2000
Towards a European Islam / Jorgen S. Nielsen
Nielsen, Jorgen S.;Warwick : centre for Research in Etnic relations University of Warwick , 1999
Copyright : interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information service
Cornish, Graham P.;London : Facet publishing , 2003
Psikologi industri dan sosial / Pandji Anoraga, Sri Suyati
Anoraga, Pandji; Sri Suyati;Jakarta : Pustaka Jaya , 1995