Total data: 35935
Guide to the social services / Family Welfare Asociation
Family Welfare Association;London : Fletcher and Son , 1966
The Arab predicament : Arab political thought and practice since 1967 / Fouad Ajami
Ajami, Fouad;London : Cambridge University Press , 1981
Ahl al-kitab : makna dan cakupannya / Muhammad Galib M.
Galib M., Muhammad;Jakarta : Paramadina , 1998
Agenda aksi liberalisasi ekonomi dan politik di Indonesia / Rizal Ramli [et. al.]
Ramli, Rizal,; Rahardjo, M. Dawam; Abimanyu, Anggito;Yogyakarta : Pusat Pengembangan Manajemen (PPM) FE UII bekerjasama dengan Tiara Wacana Yogya , 1997
Some religious aspects of Islam : a collection of articles / Hava Lazarus-Yafeh
Lazarus; Yafeh, Hava;Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1981
Motivation : theory and research / C. N. Cofer, M. H. Appley
Cofer, C. N.; Appley, C. N.;New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1967
International Islamic conference : February, 1968
Khan. M. A.;Islamabad : Islamic Research Institute , 1970