Total data: 14463
Political science in introduction
Cord, Robert L.; Jones, Walter S.; Roskin, Michael G.; Medeiros, James A.;England : Pearson Education Limited , 2014
Mengelola sekolah berbasis entrepreneurship
Arifin, M; Barnawi; Rose Kusumaning Ratri;Yogyakarta : Ar-Ruzz Media , 2014
Mastering Islamic finance: a practical guide to sharia-compliant banking, investment and insurance
Karbani, Faizal;Edinburgh : Pearson Education Limited , 2015
Dalā'il al-nubuwwah wa ma`rifah aḥwāl ṣāḥib al-syarī`ah
Al; Baihaqī, Abī Bakr Aḥmad bin al; Ḥusain;Beirut : Dār al-Kutub al-ʿIlmiyyah , 2008
Struktur dan perkembangan tumbuhan
Nugroho, L. Hartanto; Purnomo; Sumardi, Issirep;Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya , 2010
Customer service : skills for success sixth edition
Lucas, Robert W.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015
Metode pendugaan pencemaran perairan dengan indikator biologis
Soegianto, Agoes;Surabaya : Pusat Penerbitan dan Percetakan Unair , 2004