Total data: 14463
Principles of macroeconomics
Case, Karl E.; Fair, Ray C.; Oster, Sharon M.;Edinburgh : Pearson Education Limited , 2014
ASEAN di persimpangan sejarah : politik global, demokrasi dan integrasi ekonomi
Choiruzzad, Shofwan Al Banna;Jakarta : Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 2015
Principles of financial economics
Leroy, Stephen F.; Werner, Jan;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014
Sosiologi politik : pengantar kritis
Shohifullah; Sufyanto; Khozim, M; Faulks, Keith; Mahadi, Helmi;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2012
Philosophy of religion : towards a more humane approach
Cottingham, John;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014
The Oxford encyclopedia of philosophy, science, and technology in Islam
Kalin, Ibrahim;New York : Oxford University Press , 2014
Handbook teori sosial
Ritzer, George; Widowatie, Derta Sri; Muttaqien, Imam; Smart, Barry; Waluyati;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2015
The spiritual dimension : religion, philosophy and human value
Cottingham, John;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006
School libraries and student learning: a guide for school leaders
Morris, Rebecca J.;Cambridge : Harvard Education Press , 2015
Principles of biology
Brooker, Robert J.; Widmaier, Eric P.; Graham, Linda E.; Stiling, Peter D.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2015