Total data: 16654

Evaluation theory, models, and applications
Stufflebeam, Daniel L.; Coryn, Chris L.S.;Amerika : Graffiti Pers , 2014

Tuhan, maaf, kami sedang sibuk : renungan dan inspirasi spiritual orang kantoran
Rif'an, Ahmad Rifa'i;Jakarta : Elex Media Komputindo , 2014

A practicum in Tesol : professional development through teaching practice
Crookes, Graham;Cambridge, Mass : Cambridge University Press , 2010

Prison notebooks : catatan-catatan dari penjara
Utomo, Teguh Wahyu; Gramsci, Antonio;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 2013

The state in contemporary Islamic thought : a historical survey of the major muslim political thinkers of the modern era
Belkeziz, Abdelilah;New York : I.B. Tauris Publisher , 2015

Brain beauty belief Dian Pelangi : panduan menjadi muslimah yang cerdik, cantik, dan baik
Aprilia, Ade; Gretiani, Siti;Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 2014
The house of wisdom : how the Arabs transformed western civilization
Lyons, Jonathan;New York : Bloomsbury Press , 2010

Catatan dari balik penjara : goresan pena revolusi Pramudya Ananta Toer
Muhibbudin, Muhammad; Darajat, M.;Yogyakarta : Zora Book , 2015