Total data: 12
Key issues in criminal career research :new analyses of the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development
Piquero, Alexis Russell.; Farrington, David P.; Blumstein, Alfred.;New York : : Cambridge University Press , 2007
Delinquency in society 7th Ed.
Regoli, Robert M.; Hewitt, John D.,; DeLisi, Matt.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2008
Juvenile delinquency and justice : sociological perspectives
Gregory, Paul D.,; Berger, Ronald J.;Boulder, Colo. : : Lynne Rienner Publishers, , 2009
Being a leader and making decisions
Baptiste, Tracey;Westport, Connecticut : Chelsea House Publishers , 2009
Managing conflict resolution
McCollum, Sean;Westport, Connecticut : Chelsea House Publishers , 2009
Stephen Hawking: breaking the boundaries of time and space
Bankston, John;Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers , 2005
The human genome project: what does decoding DNA mean for us?
Boon, Kevin Alexander;Westport, Connecticut : Enslow Publishers , 2002