Total data: 27
Rural university : learning about education and development
Arbab, Farzam;Canada : International Development , 1984
Nonprint cataloging for multimedia collections / Joann V. Rogers
Joann V. Rogers;Colorado : Lebreries Unlimited , 1982
Statistik non parametrik: untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial
Siegel, Sidney; Suyuti, Zanzawi; Simatumpang, Lindung;Jakarta : Gramedia , 1994
Sikap islam terhadap non muslim / Abdullah Nashih 'Ulwan; penerjemah Kathur Suhardi
ʿUlwan, ʿAbdullah Nashih;Jakarta : Al-Kautsar , 1993
KTT X Gerakan Nonblok : Tenth conference of Heads of State or Government of nob aligned countries
badan penerbit Alda;Indonesia : Badan Penerbit Alda , 1993
The Strategic board :the step-by-step guide to high-impact governance
Light, Mark.;New York : : Wiley , 0
The future of philanthropy :economics, ethics, and management
Raymond, Susan Ueber.;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley & Sons , 2004
Creating a better world :interpreting global civil society
Taylor, Rupert,;Bloomfield, CT : : Kumarian Press, , 2004