Total data: 36749

Vector mechanics for engineers dynamics / Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, JR, William E. Clausen
Beer, Ferdinand P.; Johnston, E. Russell; Clausen, William E.;Boston : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2004

The Cambridge history of Southeast Asia : from world war II to the present volume four / edited by Nicholas Tarling
Tarling, Nicholas;New York : Cambridge University Press , 1999

Bilingual and ESL classrooms : teaching in multicultural contexts / Carlos J. Ovando ... (et al.)
;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2003

Educational psychology / Editors by: Kathleen M. Cauley and Fredric Linder
Cauley, Kathleen; Linder, Fredric;America : McGraw-Hill/Dushkin , 2004

Fundamentals of human communication : social science in everyday life / Margaret H. DeFleur ... (et al.)
;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2005

Ringkasan Ihya' 'Ulumuddin
Al; Gazālī, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad; ʿAbdul Rosyad Siddiq;Jakarta : Akbar , 2009

Study guide for use with cost management : a strategic emphasis / Edward J. Blocher, Kung H. Chen, Thomas W. Lin
Blocher, Edward J.; Chen, Kung H.; Lin, Thomas W.;Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2002

International business law : invironments and transactions / John H. Willes and John A. Willes
Willes, John H.; Willes, John A.;Boston : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2005

The World's water 1998-1999 : the biennial report on fresh water resources / Peter H. Gleick
Gleick, Peter H.;Washington : Island Press , 1998