Total data: 36749

Random house webster's college dictionary / new words edited by Barbara Ann Kipfer
Kipfer, Barbara Ann;New York : Random House Reference , 2001

Introduction to information systems project management / David L. Olson
Olson, David L.;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2004

How humans evolved : Robert Boyd, John B. Silk
Boyd, Robert; Silk, John B.;New York : W. W. Norton , 2003

Criminal investigation / Charles R. Swanson, Neil C. Chamelin, Leonard Territo
Swanson, Charles R.; Chamelin, Neil C.; Territo, Leonard;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2003

Executive's guide to personal security / David S. Katz, Ilan Caspi
Katz, David S.; Caspi, Ilan;New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , 2003

Children's literature in the elementary school / Charlotte S. Huck ... [et al.]
Huck, Charlotte S.; Kiefer, Barbara Z.; Hepler, Susan; Hickman, Janet;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2004

The Halliburton agenda : the politics of oil and money
Briody, Dan;New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , 2004