Total data: 36749

The New Iraq : Rebuilding the Country for Its People the Middle East, And the World / Joseph Braude
Braude, Joseph;New York : Basic Books , 2003

Dirayat Al-Hadith / Al-Shahid Al-Thani; translated by Nazmina Virjee
Al Thani, Al; Shahid; Virjee, Nazmina;London : ICAS Press , 2002

Experiencing the world's religions : tradition, challenge, and change
Molloy, Michael;California : Mayfield Publishing Company , 1999

Comprehensive Multicultural Education : Theory And Practice / Christine I Bennett
Bennett, Christine I.;Boston : Allyn & Bacon , 1995

Multicultural Education Of Children and Adolescents / . Lee Manning, Leroy G Baruth
Manning, M. Lee; Baruth, Leroy G;Boston : Allyn & Bacon , 2000

curriculum Planning For Better Taching And Learning / J. Galen Saylor, William M. Alexander
Saylor, J. Galen; Alexander, William M.;New York : Holt, rinehart and Winston , 1981

Benang tipis antara halal dan haram
Al; Gazālī, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad;Surabaya : Putra Pelajar , 2002

The world treasury of modern religious thougt
Pelikan, Jaroslav;Boston : Little, Brown and Company , 1990

Encyclopedia Of Islamic Law : A compendium Of The Views Of The major Schools / Laleh Bakhtiar
Bakhtiar, Laleh;Chicago : ABC International Group , 1996

Human communication : konteks-konteks komunikasi, buku 2
Deddy Mulyana; Moss,Sylvia; Tubbs, Stewart L.; Gembirasari;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2004