Total data: 35916
How to do a Univercity / Andrew M. Barclay ... []
Barclay, Andrew M.;New York : John Willey \r\n Sons , 1971
Inner dimension of Islamic worship
Al; Gazālī, Abū Ḥāmid Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad; Holland, Muhtar;London : Islamic Foundation , 1983
The Classical heritage in Islam / Franz Rosenthal
Rosenthal,Franz;London : Routledge \r\n Kegan Paul , 1975
Survey research in the social sciences / edited by, Chaeles Y. Glock
Glock, Charles Y.;New York : Russel Sage Foundation , 1967
The Arab : People and Power / The editors of encyclopaedia Britanica
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britanica;New York : Bantam Books , 1978
The Rise of humanism in classical Islam and the Christian West : with special reference to scholasticism / George Makdisi
Makdisi, George;Edinburg : Edinburg University Press , 1990