Total data: 35893
Teori pembangunan dari kiri ke kanan
Haryono, Endi; Clements, Kevin P;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 1997
The Way of language : an introduction / Fred West
West, Fred;New York : Harcourt Brace Javanovich , 0
Social Anthropology in perspektive : The relevance of social anthropology
Lewis,I.M.;Hermondsworth, England : s.n. , 1981
On The Economic theory of socialism / Oskar Lange, Fred M.Taylor
LAnge, Oskar;New York : McGraw-Hill Book , 1964
TheSociological interpretation of relegion / Roland Robertson
Robertson, Roland;Oxford : s.n. , 1972
Max Weber : the teori of social and economic organization / Translated by A. M. Henderson, Talcott Parson
Weber, Max; Henderson; Parson, Talcott;New York : The Free Press , 1964
Ustad ar-mar'ah / Muhammad Ibn Husain al-kurdi al-Bailani
Al; Baihani, Muhammad Ibn Salim;Madinah : Maktabah as-saqafah , 0
Menyingkap kebobrokan nikah mut'ah / Muhammad malulllah; penerjemah Marsun sasaky
Malullah, Muhammad; sasaky, Marsuni;Jakarta : Pustaka Firdaus , 1997