Total data: 2473
Da'watul amir : seruan kepada kebenaran / Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad
Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud; Anwar, Muhammad Al; Joelani R. Ahmad;Bandung : Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia , 1989
Kamus istilah hukum : Fakema Andreae / N.E. Algra
Algra, N.E.; Gokhel, H.R.W.; Adiwinata, Saleh;Bandung : Bina Cipta , 1983
Review of personality and social psychology / Lodd Wheeler
Wheeler, Lodd;London : Sage Press , 1980
Menuju dunia mendatang : alternatif-alternatif terhadap komunisme / Donald Wilhelm
Wilhelm, Donald; Sitohang, Paul;Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia press , 1979
Pandangan al-Ghazali tentang rahasia keajaiban hati / Immun El- Blitary
El; Blitary, Immun;Surabaya : Al-Ikhlas , 0
Medival Islamic controversy between philoshopy and orthodoxy
Bello, Iysa A.;Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1989
PDI dan prospek pembangunan politik / Andriana Elisabeth Sukamto
Sukamto, Andriana Elisabeth;Jakarta : Grasindo , 1991
Seculer magi : Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche on religion / William Lloyd Newell
Newell, William Lloyd;New York : The Pilgrim Press , 1986
Islamic studies presented to Charles J. Adams
Adams, Charles J.; Hallaq, Wael B.;Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1991