Total data: 2473
Kamus istilah komputer / Douglas Downing
Douglas Downing; Michael Covington; Sahat M. Pasaribu;Jakarta : Erlangga , 1992
Dampak ilmu pengetahuan atas masyarakat / Bertrand Russel
Irwanto; Bertrand Russel; Robert Haryono Imam;Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 1991
Woman and the family in the Middle East : new voices of change
Fernea, Elizabeth Warnock;Austin : Univ. of Texas Press , 1985
Main street America and the third world
Hamilton, John Maxwell; Peter Jennings;Washington : Seven Locks Press , 1988
Percikan filsafat Iqbal mengenai Pendidikan / K.G. Saiyidain
Saiyidain,K.G.; Soelaeman, M.I.;Bandung : Diponegoro , 1986
Cases in Strategic marketing management / Lester A. Neidell
Lester A. Neidell;Oklahoma : Penn Well Books , 1983
Tentara budak dan Islam : asal-muasal sebuah sistem militer
Pipes, Daniel; Sori Siregar;Jakarta : Pustaka Firdaus , 1986
Recognizing Islam : recognizing and society in the modern Middle East
Gilsenan, Michael;London : I.B. Tauris , 1993