Total data: 2473
A History of religious ideas : volume 3, from Muhammad to the age of reforms / Mircea Eliade
Eliade, Mircea;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 1985
The Sociology of organizations : classic, contemporary, and critical readings / editor, Michael J. Handel
Handel, Michael J.;Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications , 2003
Reaping the whirlwind : the Taliban movement in Afghanistan / Michael Griffin
Griffin, Michael;London : Pluto Press , 2001
Towards a European Islam / Jorgen S. Nielsen
Nielsen, Jorgen S.;Warwick : centre for Research in Etnic relations University of Warwick , 1999
Energy and the way we live : a courses by newspaper reader
Hall, Timothy A.; Kranzberg, Melvin;San Francisco : Boyd \r\n Fraser , 1980
Sang penguasa : surat seorang negarawan kepada pemimpin republik / Niccolo Machiavelli; alih bahasa, C. Woekirsari
Machiavelli, Niccolo; Woekirsari, C.;Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 1991
Mengutamakan manusia di dalam pembangunan : variabel-variabel sosiologi di dalam pembangunan pedesaan / editor, Michael M. cernea; terj. Basilius Bengo Teku
Cernea, Michael M.; Teku, Basilius Bengo;Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia press , 1988
Presidential campaign politics : coalition strategies and citizen response / John H. Kessel
Kessel, John H.;Homewood, Illinois : The Dorsey Press , 1980
Democracy in a revolution era : the political order today / Harvey Wheeler
Wheeler, Harvey;Middlesex, England : Pinguin Books , 1971