Total data: 2473
The Jewish political tradition : volume 1, authority / editors, Michael Walzer ... []
Walzer, Michael;New Haven : Yale University , 2000
Human rights : an interdisciplinary approach / Michael Freeman
Freeman, Michael;Cambridge : Polity Press , 2002
A Feminist philosophy of religion : the rationality and myths of religious belief / Pamela Sue Anderson
Anderson, Pamela Sue;Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , 1997
Sexuality in Islam / Abdelwahab Bouhdiba; translated from French by Alan Sheridan
Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab; Sheridan, Alan;London : Routledge \r\n Kegan Paul , 1985
A Reader in the anthropology of religion / eited by Michael Lambek
Lambek, Michael;Malden, Massachusetts : Blackwell Publishers , 2002
Teori Konflik Sosial / Dean G. Pruitt,Jeffrey Z. Rubin;Penerjemah:Helly P.Soetjipto
Pruitt,Dean G.; Rubin,Jeffrey Z.; Soetjipto, Helly Prajitno;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 2004
Membaca, dan membaca lagi : (re)interpretasi fiksi Indonesia 1980-1995 / Pamela Allen
Allen,Pamela;Jakarta : IndonesiaTera , 2004
Islam and the challenge of democracy
El Fadl, Khaled Abou; Cohen, Joshua;Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2004
Gandhi on Christianity
Ellsberg,Robert (ed); Pristiani,Lovie Lenny; Gunansyah,Agung;Yogyakarta : LKiS , 2004