Total data: 16652

Islamic and ethical finance in the United Kingdom
Housby, Elaine S.,;Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2013

Education and the growth of knowledge : perspectives from social and virtue epistemology
Kotzee, Ben.;Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell , 2014

Science and religion : a very short introduction
Dixon, Thomas;New York : Oxford University Press , 2008

The financial crisis and the free market cure : why pure capitalism is the world economy's only hope
Allison, John A.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2013

Freedom of religion, apostasy, and Islam
Saeed, Abdullah.; Saeed, Hassan,;Burlington, VT : : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2004

Kisah teladan dalam hadits
Al; Huwaini, Abu Ishaq; Hidayatullah, Arif; Maryono, Darwis; Ihsan, Ahmad;Solo : Aqwam , 2014

Implementasi teknologi barcode dalam dunia bisnis
Suyantoro. Fl. Sigit; Malik, Jaja Jamaludin; Wijaya, Rachmadi; Taufiq S., Ridho;Yogyakarta : Andi , 2010

Bank dan institusi keuangan non bank di Indonesia
Hendro, Tri; Rahardja, Conny Tjandra;Yogyakarta : UPP STIM YKPN , 2014